Products & Services
Commercial Real Estate Loans
We provide financing for the purpose of the development (including construction of new facilities and rehabilitation of existing facilities), acquisition, management or leasing of commercial real estate by a business.
Business Loans
We provide business financing for the purpose of expansion, working capital, equipment purchase or rental, or commercial real estate development or improvement.
Equity Investments
We make equity investments that support or enhance activities of businesses that serve our targeted communities.
Development Services
We offer the following services at no cost to promote community development:
Business Technical Assistance
Assisting borrowers with business plan development including developing record keeping accounting systems, understanding critical expenses, applying for licenses or permits, accessing government and corporate procurement processes, and other related activites.
Real Estate Technical Assistance
Assisting borrowers to determine financial feasibility of commercial property acquisition or expansion, site reviews, and construction management.
Financial Education
Education that covers such topics as household budgeting, strategies for saving, benefits of saving, retirement accounts, and Investments.